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Steps to a Lockout/Tagout Procedure

Steps to a Lockout/Tagout Procedure
When creating a lockout tagout procedure for a machine, it is important to include the following items. How these items are covered will vary from situation to situation, but the general concepts listed here should all be addressed in every lockout tagout procedure:
Notification – All employees who work with or around a machine should be notified of any scheduled maintenance.

Visual Communication - Put up signs, cones, safety tape, or other forms of visual communication to let people know that a machine is being worked on.

Energy Identification - All sources of energy should be identified prior to creating a lockout tagout procedure. The procedure should account for every possible energy source.

How Energy Is Removed - Determine exactly how the energy should be removed from the machine. This could be simply unplugging it or tripping the circuit breaker. Choose the safest option and use that in the procedure.

Dissipate Energy - After energy sources have been removed, there will be some amount left in the machine in most cases. “Bleeding off” any remaining energy by attempting to engage the machine is a good practice.

Secure Movable Parts - Any parts of the machine that can move and result in injury should be secured in place. This can be done through built-in locking mechanisms or finding alternative ways to secure the parts.

Tag/Lock Out - All employees who will be working on the machine must individually apply a tag or lock to the energy sources. Whether it is just one person or many, it is essential to have one tag for each person working in a potentially dangerous area.

Engagement Procedures - Once the work has been completed, procedures should be in place to confirm all employees are in a safe location and that any locks or safety equipment have been removed before powering the machine up.

Other - Taking any additional steps to improve the safety of this type of work is very important. All workplaces should have their own unique set of procedures that apply to their specific situation.


Post time: Sep-06-2022