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Safety Production Training (1)

Safety training

Do not fasten the safety belt in the height operation
Important reminder: falling from high places is the number one killer! Elevation operation refers to the operation carried out at the height above 2m (including 2m) of the datum level of the fall height where there is a possibility of falling. Please fasten your seat belt properly. Don’t take any chances.

Unsafe station position during hoisting operation
Illegal behavior: standing under the lifting object during lifting operation; Or close to the lifting equipment within 3 meters and its movement trend direction, or any part of the body into it. It is located in the operating area of mechanical equipment. The loading and unloading trucks and lifting workers are standing in the working area or in a blind area.
Important reminder: unsafe station involves a wide range of violations, many employees do not realize that they are violating regulations, so it is necessary to strengthen education and training, emphasize the danger of unsafe station, and delimit the working area.

Entering the working area of the machine at will without power cut or taging out
Violations: not turning off the power, not pressing the emergency stop, not listing to enter the mechanical operation area at will; When you go back and think about it, there’s no way, it’s suicide. Possible crushing, rolling, collision, cutting, cutting and other accident injuries.
Important reminder: mechanical injury is everywhere, small will cause personal injury, big will cause casualties, high frequency of occurrence, is the most easy to happen illegal accidents. To strengthen safety education, in strict accordance with the operating procedures for the operation.

No toxic gas detection/blind rescue when entering a limited space
Illegal behavior: enter the limited space without toxic and harmful gas detection, do not wear protective equipment, accident blind rescue.
Important Reminder: Accidents in limited space occur frequently. Blind accidents cause accidents to expand.
1. The operation approval system must be strictly implemented, and unauthorized entry into the limited space is strictly prohibited.
2. Must be “ventilated first, then test, after the operation”, ventilation, test unqualified operation is strictly prohibited.
3. Personal anti-poisoning and asphyxiation protective equipment must be equipped, and safety warning marks must be set. Operation without protective monitoring measures is strictly prohibited.
4. Safety training must be carried out for the operation personnel, and it is strictly prohibited to work without passing the education and training.
5. Emergency measures must be formulated and emergency equipment should be equipped on site. Blind rescue is strictly prohibited.

Post time: Jun-12-2021