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Measure the Lockout Tagout implementation level

Measure the Lockout Tagout implementation level

1. Formal review and discussion of serious incidents resulting from non-implementation of LOTO, such as in the daily meetings of the Safety Committee;
For high risk operating situations, determine safety management through safety system/behavior questionnaires, especially those requiring LOTO;
Display accidents, safety management key points and assessed unsafe behaviors through visual management such as pictures.

2. Systematic use of risk assessment/work safety analysis methods to identify potential high-risk situations, safe work cases, and LOTO implementation points.
Safe, implementable LOTO products, such as lock-able isolators/switches, are clearly defined and used in the workplace.
Fully prepared Lockout tagout devices such as locks, tags, notices, etc. are readily available where required in the workplace.

3. The employees have received the relevant information, operation guidance and training about LOTO, and can understand, accept and work safely.
By training and informing line managers to clearly identify good practices & unsafe practices or incorrect handling of LOTO.
These safe/unsafe practices were observed to be quickly responded/acted upon and the specific situation was documented.

4. Regularly and regularly observe LOTO related safe/unsafe practices and have a good quick response process to deal with problems found or promote good practices.
The use of a work permit is a quick response to site conditions and procedure requirements, such as potential exposure to wind pressure on the head or part of the body, roofing work or high voltage electrical work.
The employee safety management representatives on site also actively participate in the inspection and safety observation activities in the workplace.

5. More than Lockout tagout, other expected safety modes or standards are used in the field, and are effective, sufficient and applicable.
Recognized, as seen and learned elsewhere, as a good management model with a systematic implementation plan.
Many potential risk situations have been effectively controlled and minimized, starting from the design and selection of equipment.

Post time: May-29-2021