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Lockout tagout process

Lockout tagout process

Locked mode

Mode 1: The resident, as the owner, must be the first to undergo LTCT. Other lockers should remove their own locks and labels when they have finished their work. The owner may remove his own lock and tag only after he is sure that the work is done and the machine is safe to operate. The owner is the last to remove the lock and tag.

Method 2: Local personnel perform Lockout and tagout(Lockout and tagout are performed by electricians on duty in the power distribution room), operators witness the locking process and save the keys, and test run before operation to confirm the success of energy isolation. When the work is finished, it should be handed over to the local personnel (electrician on duty) and informed of the equipment condition.

Lockout and Lockout Tag can only be removed by the Lockout owner. If the Lockout owner is not in the factory, the Lockout and Lockout Tag can only be removed with the verbal or written consent of the Lockout owner or with the consent of his/her superior.
If the locker loses his key in the factory and needs to open his lock urgently, the applicant must fill in the LTCT Lock Removal Confirmation letter and obtain the approval of the locker supervisor before removing the lock.


Post time: Feb-12-2022