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Lock out tag out – Staff classification

Lock out tag out – Staff classification

1} Authorize employees — execute Lockout/tagout

2} Affected employees — Know hazardous energy/stay away from hazardous areas

Ensure employees understand:

• Device components are controlled by stop/safety buttons

• Energy sources other than electricity are not controlled by the stop/safety button

• Use the Stop/Safety button to meet the requirements of the (isolated energy) task

1) Identification includes energy size and how to control it

2) The label position is located in the place where the energy can be isolated (disconnected)

Visual safety management – audit/implementation

1) Know when to Lockout/tagout
2) Only authorized employees can work on the machine when Lockout/tagout occurs
3) Only the authorized supervisor can remove the Lockout/tagout when the equipment owner is not on site
4) Scope of isolation for affected employees
5) Have the problems found during the inspection been communicated?

Matters needing attention

When you press the emergency stop/safety button, you interrupt the power supply to the main line and stop the machine. Remember: this does not exclude all the power sources of the machine!
The person who presses the emergency stop button before the machine starts up again must be the same person who releases the emergency stop button. Most devices will give you an additional warning period before starting the machine again

Post time: Jul-10-2021