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All relevant personnel LOTO compliance

The Lockout tagout process is very effective, but it is not simple, so it should not be learned before going inside the logistics equipment. Safe entry into the machine and Lockout tagout operations must be performed only by trained and authorized personnel.
Considering that the maintenance work may take a long time, when the work exceeds one shift, it is necessary to confirm with the shift staff whether the energy source has been locked, and give the key of the lock box to the next major, who will lock their personal tags and personal locks before removing their locks.

Due to the professional logistics equipment, a lot of maintenance work are not employees can complete internal logistics, tend to be outsourced to equipment manufacturers or designated after-sales company, this involves the head and the contractor to determine which activities need to perform Lockout tagout procedures, and all energy points of lock factory logistics staff must be held responsible, The contractor is only responsible for putting up his own personal locks and tags.

In the process of executing Lockout tagout, all relevant personnel should not only strictly abide by the procedure requirements themselves, but also pay attention to the safety of other work partners. For example, when all personnel come out from the internal operation of logistics equipment and their locks have been removed, they find that there is still a personal lock on the interlock switch or lock box. Be sure to contact the relevant department or contractor’s supervisor according to the personal card to make sure everyone is safe.


In the trend of logistics automation and intelligence, there will be more and more machines and equipment in the warehouse. When it comes to entering the equipment for operation, it cannot rely on human experience and safety awareness. It is necessary to implement the safe entry process and Lockout tagout process in place.

Post time: Sep-25-2021