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Does the written listing and locking procedure contain all the required information?

Does the written listing and locking procedure contain all the required information?
Verify that the Lockout tagout program contains all of the following requirements:
a) Identify all potential hazardous energy sources,
b) isolation,
c) Zero energy state,
d) Any service or maintenance activities prior to locking and marking,
e) The locks used for the hang up lock are professional locks that are different from all other locks; There is only one key to each lock, and individual red locks are owned by employees authorized to work;
f) Special labels are attached to each lock to indicate “danger” and that the equipment has been locked and that repair work is underway,
g) Yellow shift lock has corresponding shift record, shift lock must be used together with shift label;
h) Equipment listing and locking procedures to ensure that dangerous energy is locked.
i) All equipment latch procedures include debugging or verification steps to ensure power failure, including instructions on how to perform this step,
j) For non-standard and unconventional tasks, special listing and locking procedures need to be developed and approved before work.


Post time: Dec-03-2022